Atendendo a algumas respostas apreciativas e inúmeras ignorativas, aqui está......

07 abril 2009

End of airborne laser program

The nice thing about reading the papers in the last couple of months is that everyday Obama and his team say or do something that is completely obvious, absolutely necessary, and that we had been told could not or should not be done for mysterious reasons we could not understand. Example: ABL was a laser gun on an airplane, meant to destroy missiles. There are a number of issues with the idea, not least that the laser would be concentrated on a very small region of the missile, and it is not clear that a missile is vulnerable to be destroyed by melting any small point.

What is interesting is that control of the laser beam is one of the key issues. I worked for a couple of months on control of the beam. The primary contractor's control scheme was orders of magnitude worse than needed to keep focus, and contained some very primitive errors. Any Controls 101 dropout could have done better, but the large defense contractor did not seem to care. Their attitude was more like "we have done it in this way, we will keep spending money on the design though it won't work, and we will not make any changes unless we get extra money specifically for the purpose of making these changes."

The ABL program had very little to do with missile defense, which had always been a figment on Rumsfeld's imagination. Not to soon to end it. Meanwhile, while Washington had its eyes off the ball, N Korea got their bomb, and the Persians are close to it. Obama's common sense will be on high demand.

5 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

agora, quem quiser saber o que a tucanada emplumada está pensando, visite o blog do josé roberto afonso:

Anônimo disse...

o anterior era de um economista ligado ao serra. o proximo é de um sociologo ligado ao famigerado FHC:
(servico de utilidade publica "as eleicoes vem ai'!").

Felipe Pait disse...

Precisa ler o blog todo? Ou será que quem já leu podia ter piedade da nossa vista cansada e apontar para os "melhores momentos" ou para o "resumo executivo"?

Anônimo disse...

fui catar alguma coisa de interesse e nada. quando houver eu apito.
mas voltando ao assunto do post, a guerra da persia contra o ocidente já é bem antiga. esse ahmadinejad deve ser tataraneto do xerxes, querendo se vingar de salamis.

fbirman disse...

Não imaginava a incompetência nesse nível. Imagine se somássemos os problemas de todos os projetos, a ineficiência administrativa habitual, os aspones, as divisões ociosas, etc. Quanto desperdício!

Considerando-se que o budget do DOD está na casa dos 660 bi, não tenho dúvidas que Obama deve mexer nessa área.