There are 27 political parties registered for the elections in Brazil next Sunday. Their names can be placed in the political spectrum, roughly from left to right, as follows:
5 communist parties: PCdoB, PSTU, PCB, PCO, PSOL;
6 labor parties: PTB*, PDT*, PT*, PTdoB, PRTB, PTN;
2 socialist parties: PSB, PPS;
1 social democratic party: PSDB*;
1 green party: PV;
6 generic label parties (democratic, progressive, or republican): PMDB*, DEM*, PRP, PP, PRB, PR;
3 christian parties: PTC, PSC, PSDC;
3 others: PMN, PHS, PSL.
Notes and disclaimers:
- The ideological affiliations of the communists are as follows: PCdoB - Maoist-Stalinist (Albanian line); PSTU - Leninist; PCB - Soviet Brezhnevite (refounded); PCO - Trotskyite; PSOL - Cuban Line (in transition to Chávez-led).
-Each of the left wing parties would probably reject the credentials of the others as properly communist, or socialist, or laborite. Nor would they agree on who is a dissidence of whom.
-Additionally PPS is the former Communist Party (anti-Stalinist), now undistinguishable from fellow eurostyle social-democrat PSDB.
-There are no explicitly conservative parties, although DEM and PP come closest. However there is a smattering of right-wingnuts or extreme nationalists in most if not all of them. There are no open liberals (in the European sense) in Brazilian politics.
-The christian parties all have additional specs such as social or labor but to the best of my knowledge tend to be neither.
-Each of the six parties marked with a star* usually controls 5% or more of the seats in at least one chamber of congress, and are therefore more costly for wholesale purchase, although the fact that neither PDT, nor PTB, nor PMDB have any identifiable ideology makes them affordable at retail.
-The smaller parties are more malleable and can be persuaded to support pretty much any campaign. The exceptions are the communist parties, populated by students and public employees, thus directly funded by the taxpayers.
For more information, consult the electoral tribunal's site.
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6 comentários:
I would list PSDB as a generic label party, moving from center-left to center-right. and PT as a more likely social-democratic party, despite some radical sections of the party.
PSOL seems to me a socialist party, and PSB as a generic label party, specially after it has chosen a capitalist leader as its SP government candidate.
and you have forgotten the PJA, the party of jewish with asthma. you've probably never heard of it, but it is a growing political force. our program includes distribution of free cortizon to every citizen with asthma,including those who support weird soccer teams as Palmeiras.
"asthma is for winners"
Labeling the parties is Brazil is a tough task, and IMHO impossible.
It is weird, to say the least, to see a Socialist Party cadidate who was former president of the brazilian big company´s organization (FIESP)
Also, as it is well known, politicians from one party moves to another, sometimes from left to right and vice-versa with no scruple at all.
The guide is meant to organize the parties by name. Actual ideology varies. (I find it a good thing, but some people disagree.)
You are definitely correct that the lack of open conservatives pushes most left wing parties to the right. PSB is a minor player which can be prevaled upon to support anyone with a little cash in hand, see the last note in the post.
Psol is definitely communist. Their platform includes expropriation of private property, banning private medicine and schools. I did not know they also stood for nuclear proliferation.
As for PJA, it has not obtained official certification yet, to the best of my knowledge.
I propose we change PJA to PJAR, to include representation of Jews with Rhinitis
The Jews with Rhinitis are welcome!
Together we will build a new world, with no carpets, mites and acari. All cortizon to the asthmatic and rhinitic synagogue!
oxygène pour les citoyens!
The Jews with Rhinitis are welcome!
Together we will build a new world, with no carpets, mites and acari. All cortizon to the asthmatic and rhinitic synagogue!
oxygène pour les citoyens!
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